Sunday, June 24, 2018

Overview of OAM(Oracle Access manager)

1)   What is OAM(Oracle Access manager)?
è  Oracle Access Management is a Java, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)-based enterprise-level security application that provides a full range of Web-perimeter security functions and Web single sign-on services including identity context, authentication and authorization; policy administration; testing; logging; auditing; and more.

è  It leverages shared platform services including session management, Identity Context, risk analytics, and auditing, and provides restricted access to confidential information.


Oracle Access Management is an integrated platform providing the following services:

·         Access Management Core Services: Authentication, web SSO, coarse-grained authorization for enterprise applications deployed on premise or in the cloud.

Oracle Access Management core services provide the primary perimeter access control services for the whole Oracle Access Management platform, including web authentication, web single sign-on (SSO), and coarse-grained authorization.
Oracle Access Management core services are deployed in a layered architecture across web, application, and data tiers as shown below. CLICK HERE for more details

·         Identity Federation: Cross-Internet-domain authentication and delegated authorization supporting industry standards such as SAML, OAuth, and OpenID. Social log-on using social network identities is supported. For more details CLICK HERE

·          Mobile Security: Lightweight mobile, cloud, and social networks interface to access corporate resources via industry standards such as OAuth. The Mobile and Social service allows mobile clients such as smart phones to leverage the backend Access Management infrastructure for adaptive authentication, SSO, fine-grained authorization, risk analysis and fraud detection.

·         Access Portal Service: A web-based central launch pad allowing users to federate all their applications through SAML, OAuth, or Form-Fill. Access Portal provides the foundation to build a private or public cloud SSO service.

·         Adaptive Access and Fraud Detection: Strong, multi-factor authentication and heuristic fraud detection.Fine-grained Authorization: External, centralized, fine-grained, attribute-based authorization compliant with the Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) standard.For more details CLICK HERE

·         API Security: First line of defense for REST APIs and web services, typically deployed in the DMZ, supporting protocol transformation, API firewalling, authentication, and authorization.

·         SOA Security: Last-mile security component co-located with the resource endpoint, designed to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.

·         Security Token Service: Trust brokerage between different, heterogeneous infrastructure tiers by creating,validating and consuming standard security tokens such as SAML assertions or Kerberos tokens.

·         Rich-Client-Based Enterprise SSO: Standalone component suite installed on a Microsoft Windows PC to provide SSO to rich client applications. Browser-based Enterprise SSO is available through Access Portal.

·         OAuth Services : allows organizations to implement the open OAuth 2.0 Web authorization protocol in an Access Manager environment. OAuth Services enables a client to access resources protected by Access Manager that belong to another resource owner. An OAuth client can be an application or service created and controlled by your organization, or it can be an application or service created and controlled by another organization that requires access to resources protected by Access Manager.

1)   What are the Components in Access Manager?
è  Access Manager sits on an instance of Oracle WebLogic Server and is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Access Management architecture.

                              Access Manager Components and Services

Access Manager Component Distribution
  Oracle Access Management Console resides on the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server (referred to as AdminServer). WebLogic Managed Servers hosting OAM runtime instances are known as OAM Servers. Information shared between the two includes:

·         Agent and server configuration data
·         Access Manager policies
·         Session data (shared among all OAM Servers)

Hope this post is useful for you to understand the basic components and services about OAM, I will cover more on OAM in my next blogs. Please subscribe me for more updates and also you can post your comments , feedback or questions in the below comment box.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

WebGate Installation failed for Windows IIS Web Server During Configuration Stage

In this blog I am going to explain a common issue faced during installation of 11g webgate ( on Windows 2012 R2  IIS web server.

Issue :-

1) As a process of installation of webgate on Windows 2012 R2 IIS webserver whille executing ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat it failed with error 

" 'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. "

Components used :-

  • Oracle Access Manager
  • Oracle Access Manager Webgate Installer for Windows IIS WebServer
  • OAM webgate for IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2
Cause :-

It is noticed that during installation it creates a tmp file in the same location where ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat is present but due to a code defect in ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat file it is trying to remove the file using "rm" command which is not a valid command for windows (rm command is mainly used in Linux to remove any files) and as a result it failed with the error message. 

Workaround:-  Edit ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat and locate the "rm tmp" keyword and replace this with "del /f tmp" and save the file and re-execute the command. It will work without any issue :) 

2) Another issue that you may encountered commonly during ConfConfigureIISWebGate. ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat commands failed with the below mentioned error 

Creating virtual directory for "Default Web Site" ........
Failed to process input: The parameter 'Site' must begin with a / or - (HRESULT=80070057). Failed to process input: The parameter 'to' must begin with a / or - (HRESULT=80070057).

Cause :- 
If there is a white space between the site name used for IIS  then it failed as it is not able to recognize the website completely due to white space. 

For example if you are trying to install the webgate for "default web site " for IIS using the below command , it is not able to recognize the default site due to white space between the words.

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site Default Web Site

Workaround :- 

Instead of the above mentioned command just put the site name in within " " . i.e use the below command like 

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site "Default Web Site"

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site "My Website"

Hope this post is helpful  to resolve the issue. Please leave your comments and feedback in the comment section and subscribe my blogs to get more updates on OAM related issue and simple workarounds. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Update the oam-config.xml file Without Restarting the Server

In this blog I am going to explain you how we can update the oam-config.xml file without restarting the servers.

Goal :-
How can we update oam-config.xml file without having to  restart the server.

Workaround :-

Note: Manual edit to oam-config.xml file is not recommended. Take necessary backup of this file before editing it.

Generally,  in order to modify or update changes to oam-config.xml file a server restart needs to be done in order to reflect the changes. However this can be achieved without having to restart the server by follow the below steps:-

·         Take a proper backup of the oam-config.xml file. Always take a backup before make any manual changes.
·         Edit the file and perform the modification required.
·         Search for "NGAMConfiguration" and make modification as below.

<Setting Name="NGAMConfiguration" Type="htf:map">
<Setting Name="ProductRelease" Type="xsd:string"></Setting>
<Setting Name="Version" Type="xsd:integer">2</Setting>

Note :- In order to achieve the changes without having to restart the server, update the "version" with next integer value before saving the changes.

That’s ALL !!  Hope you liked the post.

Activation Failed for Custom plugin in OAM

Activation Failed for Custom plugin in OAM

In this blog I am going to cover a common issue faced during the deployment of any custom plugin in OAM(Oracle Access Manager).

Issue:-   When someone is trying to deploy any custom or New plugin( having size > 2MB> in OAM through OAM console , the deployment of plugin failed with error message <BEA-000000> <Action failed due to inconsistent status of plugin in different managed servers.>

Steps to Reproduce :- 
·         Login to OAM Console and navigate to Application security -> Authentication Plugins 
·         Select any out of the box plugin that you want to deploy.
·         scroll down and click on 'Activation status'. You will see the following error message as shown in screenshot.

·         Also In  AdminServer logs , you will noticed the below error message.
<Aug 15, 2016 7:41:27 PM EDT> <Error> <oracle.oam.extensibility.lifecycle
<BEA-000000> <Action failed due to inconsistent status of plugin in different
managed servers.>

Reason:- This is due to improper loading of the configuration of plugins information in from oam-config.xml or due to the over size of the plugin which, cause uneven distribution of plugin information in clustered environment. 

Workaround :- In order to resolve the issue, you can directly update the “activation status” of plugin to true in oam-config.xml. To do so, follow the steps mentioned below:

·         Go to <OAMDomain_Home>/config/fmwconfig/
·         Edit oam-config.xml 
·         Search for failed plugin name in oam-config.xml file. In my case, it is 'AdaptiveAuthenticationPlugin'. you will find the below section
·         Now make sure the 'activated' status as  'true'.

·          Now increment the oam-config.xml version number by 1 in the below section. This should be in the beginning sections of oam-config.xml

·                   Save the file and restart Admin Server in OAM domain

After restart check the  Activation status of the plugin. It should be now load properly and will show the managed servernames as given below. 

  Hope this will be helpful for you. Please check my other posts and follow me to get more updates  on OAM and Weblogic related issue and simple workarounds.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Configure SSL in Weblogic

Configure SSL for Weblogic Server :-

 In this post I’d like to explain the basic steps to configure SSL in weblogic Server . If you want some basic idea about SSL and how it works then please refer to my previous blog on SSL.

Note :-  In this article I am going to cover only 3rd party CA certificate based SSL configuration not Self Signed certificate based SSL implementation.
To set up SSL :-

  •     Obtain an identity (private key and digital certificates) and trust (certificates of trusted certificate authorities) for WebLogic Server. By default WebLogic managed servers are configured with demo identity and trust information. This should be reconfigured to use real, or self-signed certificates.
  •      Store the private keys, digital certificates, and trusted CA certificates. Private keys and trusted CA certificates are stored in a keystore.

Note: - WebLogic Server supports private keys and trusted CA certificates stored in files, or in the WebLogic Keystore provider for the purpose of backward compatibility only.
  • Configure the Identity and Trust keystores for WebLogic Server in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  • Set SSL attributes for the private key alias and password in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Optionally, set attributes that require the presentation of client certificates (for two-way SSL).

·         Obtain an Identity (private key and digital certificates) and trust
To use SSL, the server needs a private key, a digital certificate containing the matching public key, and a certificate for at least one trusted certificate authority. WebLogic Server supports private keys, digital certificates, and trusted CA certificates from the following sources:-
ü  The demonstration digital certificates, private keys, and trusted CA certificates in the WL_HOME\server\lib directory.

ü  Sun Microsystem's keytool utility can be used to generate a private key, a self-signed digital certificate for WebLogic Server, and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Submit the CSR to a certificate authority(CA) to obtain a digital certificate for WebLogic Server.

ü  The Cert Gen utility generates digital certificates and private keys that should be used only for demonstration or testing purposes and not in a production environment.( I will cover it in other blogs).

This document contains mainly 2 activities to configure the SSL
1)      Keystore/certificate creation
i)                    Keystore/certificate Creation Using JAVA Keytool
a)       Generate keystore(JKS)
b)      Import root and intermittent certificate.
c)       Generates CSR based on the JKS created.
d)      Submit the request to CA to get server certificate or public key.
e)      Create PEM(certificate chain) from server certificate and import the same to JKS.
f)          Create identity and trust keystore .
ii)                   Keystore/certificate  Creation Using EM Console
a)       Generate keypair
b)      Generates CSR
c)       Submit the request to CA to get server certificate.
d)      Create PEM(certificate chain) from server certificate and import the same to keystore.
2)      Weblogic Keystore Configuration using Administration Console

I am going to explain some methods to generate certificate and create identity and trust store for  Weblogic SSL configuration:-
1.       Keystore/certificate Creation Using JAVA Keytool
2.       Keystore/certificate  Creation Using EM Console

1.            Keystore/Certificate  Creation Using JAVA Keytool:-
Ø  Keytool is a key and certificate management utility which comes with JDK
Ø  Make sure JAVA executable is added to PATH environment variable

Ø  Create a directory to store your keystores
cd <directory_path_where_you_want_to_store_keystore>
mkdir mykeystore

Ø  Navigate to DOMAIN_HOME/bin and set domain environment variables.
cd /<Domain_Path>/bin/

Ø  Navigate to the keystore directory created earlier and execute keytool command to create a keystore. Provide required passwords when prompted

cd  <directory_path_where_you_want_to_store_keystore>/mykeystore/
keytool -genkeypair -alias <alias_name> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname ", C=GB" -keystore mytestkeystore.jks

Ø  Make sure mytestkeystore.jks file is created. The details of the keystore can be viewed using below command
keytool -list -v -keystore mytestkeystore.jks

Ø  Get the Root and Intermittent certificate from your certificate Authority.
    Install each of the CA certificates as follows, starting with the CA Root certificate then the intermittent certificate by following this command:
keytool -import -noprompt -keystore <location of the jks file> -storepass <password of the jks> -alias "<Alias_name>" –file <location of downloaded root/Intermittent certificate>

 CSR(certificate Signing Request) Creation Using JAVA Keytool
Ø  Make sure JAVA executable is added to PATH environment variable & domain environment is set as mentioned in above section
Ø  Navigate to the keystore directory and execute below keytool command to generate CSR.
Once the private key is generated and the CA certificates are installed, execute the following command to create CSR
cd /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/mykeystore/
keytool -certreq -v -alias <Alias_name> -file mytestcertreq.csr -keystore mytestkeystore.jks

Copy the contents of CSR file and submit it to CA service to get a public key.  This is the CSR file generated

Once you have the public key from the Certificate Authority follow the below mentioned steps to create a chain of the certificate.

Extract the Intermittent, root and server certificates from public key file as following the below mentioned steps :-

Ø  Double click on the certificate in windows system or open it with “crypto shell extension”
Ø  Go to certification Path and click on the Root certificate and select “View certificate option”
Ø  Go the the Deatils tab now and click on “copy to file” option

Ø  Do the same for Intermittent Certificate  as well.
Ø  Edit and Copy the content of Intermittent, root and server certificate and paste the same in a note pad in the below sequence:- serveràsilveràroot and save the same as server_name.pem

Import Certificate using Java keytool:-
Note:- You can either use one keystore as trusted and identity store both or have separated one but it is recommended to have these 2 as a different keystore .

In order to make it different copy mytestkeystore.jks and save it as mytestkeystore_trusted.jks

Now, run the following command to create the trust  Keystore file . To create a trust keystore we already imported the extract root CA certificate to this  jks file.  Now we are creating identity keystore.
In order to create Identity store please follow the below mentioned steps:-
Ø  Make sure JAVA executable is added to PATH environment variable & domain environment is set as mentioned in above section
Ø  Navigate to the keystore directory and execute below keytool command to import Trust Certificates received from CA
Ø  Navigate to the keystore directory and execute below keytool command to import Server Signed Certificates chain(.pem file)
Note:- Use the same Alias of the keypair used while generating the CSR
keytool -importcert -v -alias mytestalias -file server_signed.pem  -keystore mytestkeystore.jks
The above mentioned command will create identity keystore file which need to place in the server

Now we have identity and trust keystore and need to configure weblogic.

2.       Keystore/certificate  Creation Using EM Console( This is another way to create keystore)

Ø  Login to Fusion Middleware EM Console using below URL and Weblogic administrator credentials

Ø  Navigate to Weblogic Domain -> Security -> Keystore

Ø  Click Create Keystore button


Ø  Provide new Keystore details and click OK

Ø  Verify new Keystore under System stripe

Keypair & CSR Creation Using EM Console
Ø  Select the new Keystore and click Manage

Ø  Provide Keystore password and click OK

Ø  Click Generate Keypair which creates a public-private keypair

Ø  Provide details for your new keypair and click OK

Ø  Verify the new keypair details. Select it and click Generate CSR to generate a Certificate Signing Request

Ø  Provide password when prompted

Ø  Copy the CSR content or export it to local machine to send it to third party Certificate Authority who will provide with a digitally signed certificate and trust certificates


Note :- Now, create a certificate chain(.pem) as mentioned above in the document during certificate creation using keytool.

Import Certificates Using EM Console

Ø  Select alias on click Import on EM Console. Provide Keystore password when prompted

Provide details of the received certificates and click OK
Ø  Select either Trusted Certificate or Certificate depending on the type of certificate you are importing
Ø  Select the alias from the drop down. Please select the same alias used while generating the CSR
Ø  Provide the password for your Keystore
Ø  For Certificate Source, you can either paste the certificate content directly or select the file received from the CA


Weblogic Keystore Configuration using Administration Console

Ø  Login to Weblogic Administration Console using below URL and Weblogic Admin Credentials
Ø  Navigate to Environment -> Servers -> ServerName -> Configuration -> Keystores. By default DemoTrust and DemoIdentity stores will be used

Ø  Click on Change button. Select “Custom Identity and Custom Trust” and click Save


Ø  Provide details of the Custom Keystore
For Oracle Keystore Service (KSS), ie the Keystore created using EM console
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store : kss://system/MyTestKeyStore
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store Type: kss
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store Passphrase : Keystore Password
Ø  Confirm Custom Identity Key Store : Confirm Keystore Password
For JAVA Keystore Service (JKS), ie the Keystore created using JAVA Keytool
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store : /<path>/mytestkeystore.jks
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store Type: jks
Ø  Custom Identity Key Store Passphrase : Keystore Password
Ø  Confirm Custom Identity Key Store : Confirm Keystore Password
Ø  Custom trust Key Store : <path>/mytestkeystore_trusted.jks
Ø  Custom trust Key Store Type: jks
Ø  Custom Trust Key Store Passphrase : Keystore Password
Ø  Confirm Custom Trust Key Store : Confirm Keystore Password

Ø  If you are using same Keystore for Trust and Identity, provide same details in both Trust and Identity sections. If you are using different Keystores (preferred method in production environments), provide respective Keystore details
Ø  Save and activate the changes. Restart the Managed / Admin server where ever Keystore changes have been done

Thats all !! Hope it was helpful. If you have any queries, please post them in comments section.