Saturday, June 23, 2018

WebGate Installation failed for Windows IIS Web Server During Configuration Stage

In this blog I am going to explain a common issue faced during installation of 11g webgate ( on Windows 2012 R2  IIS web server.

Issue :-

1) As a process of installation of webgate on Windows 2012 R2 IIS webserver whille executing ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat it failed with error 

" 'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. "

Components used :-

  • Oracle Access Manager
  • Oracle Access Manager Webgate Installer for Windows IIS WebServer
  • OAM webgate for IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2
Cause :-

It is noticed that during installation it creates a tmp file in the same location where ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat is present but due to a code defect in ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat file it is trying to remove the file using "rm" command which is not a valid command for windows (rm command is mainly used in Linux to remove any files) and as a result it failed with the error message. 

Workaround:-  Edit ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat and locate the "rm tmp" keyword and replace this with "del /f tmp" and save the file and re-execute the command. It will work without any issue :) 

2) Another issue that you may encountered commonly during ConfConfigureIISWebGate. ConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat commands failed with the below mentioned error 

Creating virtual directory for "Default Web Site" ........
Failed to process input: The parameter 'Site' must begin with a / or - (HRESULT=80070057). Failed to process input: The parameter 'to' must begin with a / or - (HRESULT=80070057).

Cause :- 
If there is a white space between the site name used for IIS  then it failed as it is not able to recognize the website completely due to white space. 

For example if you are trying to install the webgate for "default web site " for IIS using the below command , it is not able to recognize the default site due to white space between the words.

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site Default Web Site

Workaround :- 

Instead of the above mentioned command just put the site name in within " " . i.e use the below command like 

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site "Default Web Site"

ConfigureIISConfConfigureIISWebGate.bat -oh C:\oracle\product\ -w C:\oracle -site "My Website"

Hope this post is helpful  to resolve the issue. Please leave your comments and feedback in the comment section and subscribe my blogs to get more updates on OAM related issue and simple workarounds. 

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